
95 Articles

A mother of four, a maker, a designer, and a writer, living in Dublin, Ireland.

Bathroom Blues

It seemed like I couldn’t get a chance to go the bathroom at all this afternoon. Every time I started to walk in that direction, someone small and stinky detoured me with requests to fix the volume on the...

New Blogger Template

Hi. I had to change my blogger template temporarily because there seemed to be something wrong with it that prevented anyone from leaving comments! So, here is a temporary one that I found FREE at It’s a bit...

Client Meetings & Puddles

I used to occasionally host client meetings at my home office. These meetings weren’t the optimal situations for conducting business, but were often my only option for short notice meetings or meetings for certain times of the day. Usually,...

The Roar of the Hippopotamus

When I was putting the Monkey to bed, I sat down on the Puppy’s bunk. Monkey was shimmying around and babbling about something. Suddenly, I asked. Does Mommy snore? Monkey gets a funny, embarassed look on his face. Like...

The art of blogging

During dinner, Mr Puffles told me that the blog of Petite Anglaise was based on a book. I said, No. The book is based on the blog. Then he said, Well. Your blog is based on her book. No....

The Luxury Nursery

I was sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for my appointment (I won’t go into detail but I was there waiting for almost an hour!) and happened to read an article about Jennifer Lopez’s baby nursery in one of...

The Family Bed

I was telling my mother that my oldest and middle children always seem to end up sleeping in bed with us. Mr Puffles had suggested simply telling them to go back to bed, but I was horrified and said...

The End of the World

One of the other mom’s mentioned a funny thing the other day in preschool. Actually. We were in Parent Ed which is a monthly required class for the parents of the preschool where Monkey attends. The class is less...

The Road

So, I have been reading a lot of mommy-lit recently. In my defense, I didn’t actually realize that there was a whole genre called mommy lit. And I admit I am a bit embarrassed to be reading it. Although,...